About Us

Godex Ranked in the Top 5% of coperate governance for TWSE/TPEx listed companies
Godex Ranked in the Top 5% of coperate governance for TWSE/TPEx listed companies

GODEX’s superior performance has been certified by Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation two years back-to-back. Corporate Governance Evaluation Award is given to companies based on five evaluation indicators, which are "Protection of Shareholders' Equity (15%)", "Equitable Treatment of Shareholders (15%)","Board Composition and Operation (35%)", "Information Transparency (20%)", and "Protection of Stakeholder Interests and Corporate Social Responsibility (15%)". 

Taiwan Excellence Award
Taiwan Excellence Award

ZX1200i Industrial touch screen series, T20 Label Rewinder, MX20 and MX30i mobile printers have won the award in 2014. It represents the most revolutionary, high quality, high value added products made by GoDEX. 

Good Design Product
Good Design Product

EZ-2 Direct Thermal Barcode Printer
One of Only 50 products winning this award in the year.

Taiwan Excellence Award
Taiwan Excellence Award

EZ-2 and EZ-4TT Thermal Barcode Printer
Only 200 products could win this award in the year.

Taiwan SMEs Innovation Award
Taiwan SMEs Innovation Award

EZ-2 Direct Thermal Barcode Printer 
Only 35 companies are selected each year and win the title.

The 12th Rising Star Award
The 12th Rising Star Award

GODEX received the 12th Rising Star Award of 2009. The Rising Star Award is presented by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MEA) each year to those very few Taiwan companies that are manufacturing the most competitive and unique products.