How to Make the Most Creative Barcodes

If you’re like most business owners or managers, you likely don’t give too much thought to the design of your barcode labels. As long as they’re doing their job and allowing you to track inventory, all is good.

But barcodes may also serve as part of your brand identity. Increasingly, companies are experimenting with barcodes, making fun and creative designs that reflect their brands’ personality. It’s the kind of small detail that can set your products apart from the competition. Using software like GoLabel, you can create crisp, clear and attention-grabbing barcode designs that are far from ordinary.

The rules of barcode label design

If you would like to experiment with creative barcode label designs, there are a few things to keep in mind. For one, you don’t need to use just black and white, but you should be sure to use contrasting colors so that scanners can still easily read the barcodes.

It’s also necessary to maintain a horizontal chunk of barcode to ensure readability. The numbers at the bottom have no function for scanners—they are only there for humans to double-check. To that end, you can use different fonts and styles with numbers. The choice is up to you.

Some designers choose to surround the barcode image with design elements, making it appear as if the code is an extension of an illustration. Others alter the barcode itself, which can work well as long as the individual bars have the right size and space. You will want to print out the barcode first and test it with a scanner to make sure it’s functional before duplicating it for widespread use. In some cases, you may need to add a quiet zone, or buffer space, around the barcode’s edges to ensure the barcode is readable for scanners.

The role of high-quality barcode printing

Using a high-quality barcode printer is important if you decide to forego the traditional barcode design and develop something more creative and attention-grabbing. Keep in mind that 203 dpi (dots per inch) printers will create lower-resolution images. This is acceptable for larger barcodes that don’t require precision printing. But for a higher-resolution image, 600 dpi models are the way to go. These printers are capable of creating very small, but readable, barcodes.

GoDEX carries a broad range of barcode printers, including 200, 300 and 600 dpi options. The company also offers mobile, desktop and industrial printers, along with easy-to-use software and barcode scanners. If you are looking to develop more creative barcode designs for your applications, GoDEX just may be the right choice for your business.

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